Books, Book Chapters, Papers, & Book Reviews
  • Balgah R.A. & Yenshu, E.V. (eds.) (2024). The State, Non-State Organizations and Livelihood Out-comes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-5275-6251-6.
  • Balgah, R.A., & Kimengsi, J.N. (eds.) (2022). Disaster Risk Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies, Institutions and Processes. Emerald Publishing. 356pp. ISBN: 978-1-80262-818-0.
  • Balgah, R.A., Buchenrieder, G. and Zeller, M. (2012). Dynamics of formal and informal responses to shocks: with empirical evidence from Cameroon, Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3-659-24469-8.
  • Balgah, R. A. (2011). Managing Natural Risks and Shocks. Informal Response Dynamics and the Role of Nonprofit Organization. Stuttgart: Grauer Verlag. ISBN 978-3-86186-656-0.
  • Balgah R.A. and Buchenrieder, G. (2010). Targeting and Outreach to the poor by rural development nonprofit organizations in Cameroon. Stuttgart, D: Grauer Verlag, ISSN: 1439- 4952.
  • Balgah, R.A. (2004). Poverty and Resource management for fish farming households in North West Cameroon. A Comparative Analysis, Göttingen: Institute of Rural development, University of Göttingen.
Book Chapters
  • Yenshu, E.V., & Balgah, R.A. (2024). Introduction. In: Balgah, R. A., & Vubo, E. Y. (Eds.). (2024). The State, Non-State Organizations and Livelihood Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Yenshu, E.V., & Balgah, R.A. (2024). Conceptual Framework for Analysing Organisations. In: Bal-gah, R. A., & Vubo, E. Y. (Eds.). (2024). The State, Non-State Organizations and Livelihood Out-comes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Balgah, R.A., & Yenshu, E.V. (2024). State-Market-Nonprofit Continuum and Implications for Sus-tainable Development. In: Balgah, R. A., & Vubo, E. Y. (Eds.). (2024). The State, Non-State Organi-zations and Livelihood Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Nyong, P.A., & Balgah, R.A. (2024). State Interventions and Livelihood Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review. In: Balgah, R. A., & Vubo, E. Y. (Eds.). (2024). The State, Non-State Organizations and Livelihood Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Balgah, R.A., and Nyong, P.A. (2024). A Review of NGO Interventions and Livelihood Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Balgah, R. A., & Vubo, E. Y. (Eds.). (2024). The State, Non-State Organiza-tions and Livelihood Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Muluh, G.N., Kimengsi, J.N., Balgah, R.A., & Ngwa, K.A. (2024). Impact of Government-Led Exter-nally Funded Projects on Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences from the FIMAC Loan Scheme in Cameroon. In: Balgah, R. A., & Vubo, E. Y. (Eds.). (2024). The State, Non-State Organi-zations and Livelihood Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Shillie, P.N., Mondi, B.J., & Balgah, R.A. (2024). Government-Driven Agricultural Support Systems and Livelihoods in Cameroon: Lessons from the PCP-ACFA Programme in Mezam. In: Balgah, R. A., & Vubo, E. Y. (Eds.). (2024). The State, Non-State Organizations and Livelihood Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Kimengsi, J.N., & Balgah, R.A. (2024). Resource Conservation and Rural Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from WWF’s Green Business Initiative in Cameroon. In: Balgah, R. A., & Vubo, E. Y. (Eds.). (2024). The State, Non-State Organizations and Livelihood Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Balgah, R.A., Fonteh, M.F., & Gwemelang, G.N. (2024). NGO-Driven Agricultural Technology Transfer and Livelihood Outcomes in Cameroon. In: Balgah, R. A., & Vubo, E. Y. (Eds.). (2024). The State, Non-State Organizations and Livelihood Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Ngwa, K.A., & Balgah, R.A. (2024). Renewable Energy and Farmers’ Livelihoods: Evidence from Biogas Adoption in Cameroon. Balgah, R.A., Fonteh, M.F., & Gwemelang, G.N. (2024). NGO-Driven Agricultural Technology Transfer and Livelihood Outcomes in Cameroon. In: Balgah, R. A., & Vubo, E. Y. (Eds.). (2024). The State, Non-State Organizations and Livelihood Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Nyong, P.A., Kimengsi, J.N., Balgah, R.A., Mairomi, H.W., Tume, S.J.P., & Tsufac, A.Z. (2024). Bio-economy transition for the attainment of Cameroon’s National Development Strategy (NDS30) goal of environmental and nature protection: assessing the all-encompassing contribution of agroforestry. In Singh, K., Rebiero, M.C., & Calicioglu (eds). Biodiversity and Bioeconomy. Status Quo, Challenges and Opportunities. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 325-345. DOI:
  • Balgah, R.A. (2022). A Critical Assessment of the African Union’s Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy. In Balgah, R.A., & Kimengsi, J.N. (Eds.) Disaster Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies. Institutions and Processes. Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 57-96.
  • Balgah, R.A., & Kimengsi, J.N. (2022). Conclusions on Policy and Institutional Processes for Disaster Management in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Balgah, R.A., & Kimengsi, J.N. (Eds.) Disaster Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies, Institutions and Processes, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 219-223.
  • Balgah, R.A., & Kimengsi, J.N. (2022). Glossary of Disaster Risk Management – Related Terms. In In Balgah, R.A., & Kimengsi, J.N. (Eds.) Disaster Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies, Institutions and Processes, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 219-223.
  • Gertrud, B., Brandl, J.S., und Balgah, R.A. (2019). Die Risikowahrnehmung von Überschwemmungen durch Betroffene in Babessi, Kamerun; In: H. Pelizäus und L. Nieder (Hrsg.), Das Risiko – Gedanken übers und ins Ungewisse, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, ein Teil von Springer Nature, pp.389-425. DOI:
  • Balgah, R.A. (2019). The Role of Gender-Sensitive Participation in Economic Development. From Theory to Practice, In: Lo, K.F.A. (ed). Current Perspective to Economics and Management Vol 1. India: Book Publisher International, Pp: 115-131. Print ISBN: 978-81-934224-8-9, eBook ISBN: 978-93-89246-24-7.
  • Nji, T.M., & Balgah, R.A. (2019). Determinants of Coping Strategies to Floods and Droughts in Multiple Geo-Ecological Zones.In: Tiefenbacher, J.P. (ed). Natural Hazards – Risk, Exposure, Response, and Resilience. London: UK: IntechOpen, pp. 163-184 DOI:
  • Balgah, R.A., Kimengsi, J.N., & Buchenrieder, G. (2016). Determinants for Adopting Risk Management Mechanisms amongst, Flood Victims in North West Cameroon, In: Romero, D. (ed). Natural Disasters. Risk Assessment, Management Strategies and Challenges. New York: NOVA Science Publishers, Inc, pp. 13-30. ISBN: 978-1-53610-097-6.
Book Review
  • Balgah, R.A. (2013) (Book Review on Makoba Johnson, W (2011). Rethinking Development Strategies in Africa. The Triple Partnership as an Alternative Approach. The case of Uganda. Peter Lang AG international Academic Publishers, 269p ISBN 978 303911 9486.
Some key Puplic Discussion Papers
  • Balgah, R.A. and Ngwa, K.A. (2016) factors affecting the adoption of risk management mechanisms: The case of the 2012 Babessi flood. Science, Technology and Development (STD) Discussion Paper No.004, Bamenda: Bamenda University of Science and Technology..
  • Balgah, R.A., Ngwa, K.A., innocent, N.M. and Fomunyam, R.T. (2014) Livelihood security and Disaster Management Mechanisms in the Lake Nyos Region of Cameroon. Science, Technology and Development (STD) Discussion Paper No.002. Bamenda: Bamenda University of Science and Technology
  • Balgah, R.A., Buchenrieder, G. (2010), Targeting of and outreach to the poor by rural development non-profit organizations in Cameroon, Research in Development Economics and Policy Discussion Paper 1/2010, Stuttgart, D: Grauer Verlag, ISSN 1439-4952.