Consultancy Assignments
  • 2024: Consultant for Theory of Change based project planning workshop for Women in Action Against Gender – Based Violence in Cameroon (WACameroon), 3-5 April 2024.
  • 2022: External Evaluator for Bread for the World – funded project executed by Women in Action Against Gender – Based Violence in Cameroon (WACameroon) entitled:
  • “Men’s Leadership in GBV Prevention and Response in the Humanitarian Crisis in the North West Region of Cameroon” (
  • 2021: Co-Principal Investigator and National Project Coordinator: “Enhancing Livelihood Resilience of Protracted Internally Displaced Persons IDPs” (ELIED), funded by Research England (The Global Challenges Research) in collaboration with Bournemouth University Higher Education Corporation of Poole House, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5BB, UK.
  • 2017: Data analysis and report compilation on “Dissemination and Adoption of Improved Cassava Varieties Communities Adjacent to the Mount Cameroon, Korup and Takamanda national Parks, Cameroon” (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Yaoundé, Cameroon)
  • 2017: Chief facilitator for COMINSUD NGO, for the “Establishment of a Business plan for the Presbyterian Rural Training Center, Fonta – Northwest Cameroon” (
  • 2016: Facilitator for Trainings on “Entrepreneurship and Financial Education for Young Agricultural Entrepreneurs in Cameroon, belonging to the National “PEA Jeunes” program in Cameroon”, on behalf of the College of Technology of the University of Bamenda, Cameroon.
  • 2012: Resource person for PAIDWA in the process of execution of the UNDP/AU/NEPAD funded consultancy on “African Capacity Development Report” (ACDR), focus: West and Central Africa (
  • 2011: Chief consultant for “Goal-oriented Re-planning of Strategic Humanitarian Services – SHUMAS organic farming training and demonstration center- Cameroon” (
  • 2009: “External Evaluation of the Strategic Humanitarian Services – SHUMAS” programs”
  • 2007: Development of “Strategic Plans for the Strategic Humanitarian Services (SHUMAS) and Development for Humanity (DEH) NGOs in Cameroon” (
  • 2005: Developed a “Strategic Plan for Babungo Integrated Medical Health center, Mbenje”, in NW Cameroon (
  • 2002: Coordinator, “Re-planning (5-year strategic) plan and the first three years project) of the Mbembe project for the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, under the auspices of the Presbyterian Rural Training Center Cameroon (