Key courses taught at Universities & Higher Institutes of Learning

PhD Level

  • Economic Sociology
  • Agribusiness Policies and Institutions

Masters Level

  • Horticulture
  • Agricultural extension and communication techniques
  • Leadership and Governance of Institutions & Organizations
  • Advanced Project Management
  • Peace, humanitarian action & conflict management
  • Advanced Sociological Research Methods
  • Development Research Methods
  • Development Theories & Concepts
  • State and Non-State Actors in Development

Bachelors Level

  • Crop Production (annual and perennial crops)
  • Agricultural Development & Policy
  • Rural Sociology & Technology adoption/Transfer
  • Introduction to Project Planning & Management
  • Leadership and Management of Institutions & Organizations
  • Natural Resource Management
  • Disaster Management
  • Introduction to Community Development
  1. 2021

    Admission into the rank of “Associate Professor” (January 2021, in regularization for effective consideration as from May 2020)

  2. 2019 till date

    Dean, Higher Institute of Agriculture and Rural Development, Bamenda University of Science and Technology, Cameroon

  3. 2017 till date

    Head of service for Admissions and Records, College of Technology, The University of Bamenda, Cameroon

  4. 2012-2013

    Dean of Studies, Pan African Institute of Development in West Africa (PAID-WA)