PhD Supervision
A. Completed PhD Dissertations defended as at 20.02. 2024
  • Ashu Nelson Bate (2024). Conditions and Factors Influencing Livelihoods in Manyu Between 2016 and 2019. (Faculty of Social amdn Management Sciences, The University of Buea, Cameroon University of Buea, Cameroon, Excellent).
  • Ngochembo Gaston Ngwemelang (2023). Adoption of Innovations and Performance of Rice Value Chain Actors in Ngoketunjia Division of Cameroon, University of Bamenda (Excellent)
  • Neba Williams Shu (2021). Changing Land Tenure Systems and Agriculture in Mezam and Men-xhum Divisions in the North West Region of Cameron. (Faculty of Social and Management Sciences University of Buea, Cameroon (excellent)
  • Tabi Cherrycharry Agwa (2021), (Information and Communication Technology University ((ICTU), Yaoundé Cameroon, Excellent)
  • Nji Theobald Mue (2020), Drought and floods in the context of climate variability: A study in household management of natural hazards and disasters in the Sudano-Sahelian and Western Highlands geo-ecological zones of Cameroon, (Faculty of Social amdn Management Sciences, The University of Buea, Cameroon. 13th July 2020, Excellent)
  • Bomnsa, T.J. (2019), Risks and potentials for Microfinance Growth in Cameroon, Madison institute and Business School September, 2019 (Very Good)
Current supervision
B. PhD Dissertations currently under supervision
Name of Student
(affiliation & email)
Working Topic
Level of execution
(as at 20.01 2023)
Eteindem Frederick Mbufor (University of Bamenda)
Adoption, Profitability and Livelihood Effects of Certified Cocoa Production in Meme Division in the South West region of Cameroon
Njegani Ngansa (University of Bamenda)
Sustainability of Development Projects in Mezam Division, Northwest Region of Cameroon
To be submitted very soon
Atiekum Zipporah (University of Bamenda,
Migration patterns and natural resource use practices in the Mungo Corridor, Cameroon
Still at the proposal stage
Other PhD students supervised as of 20 December 2024
Master Degree Supervision
C. Master’s Degree thesis supervised & defended as at 20 January 2023: 50
  • 2022/2023 Academic year: 07
  • 2021/2022 Academic year: 11
  • 2020/2021 Academic year: 10
  • 2019/2020 Academic Year: 08
  • 2018/2019 Academic Year: 04
  • 2017/2018 Academic Year: 08
    (including 1 student from Universität der Bundeswehr (Military University) Munich, Germany)
  • 2013/14-2016/17 Academic Years: 9